Bite Imbalance: Cause, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Have you noticed that your teeth are misaligned? Maybe when you smile you have noticed that your teeth don’t fit together properly.

While this may be an issue for you cosmetically, an unbalanced bite can cause a number of other issues. This misalignment can cause enamel wear, ringing in the ears, TMJ pain, and other complications. Luckily, all of this can be fixed.

Causes of Bite Imbalance

There are a number of reasons why your teeth may move over the course of your lifetime. The misalignment can cause improper wear and tear of the teeth including loss of enamel and tooth decay. The issue is made even worse by clenching of the jaw or grinding of the teeth.

Bite imbalance can be caused by loss of a tooth or several teeth, grinding or clenching the teeth, genetics, dentures that don’t fit properly, movement of the wisdom teeth, missing fillings, or broken teeth.

Diagnosis of Bite Imbalance

There are a few ways that you dentist can diagnose your bite imbalance. The first is a simple pressure test. This involves using a special paper that allows the dentist to look at the variation in bite force and identify key characteristics of bite imbalance.

There’s also a tool called T-Scan. This is a small computer that allows your dentist to measure occlusal dynamics which shows where your teeth do and don’t fit together when you bite down. In combination with imagery of your head, jaw, and mouth, your dentist can identify where the problems are.

These diagnosis methods allow your dentist to create a customized treatment plan for you. Pinpointing the proper treatment plan is important for more comfortable and effective correction of the bite imbalance issue over time.

Treatment of Bite Imbalance

Treatment of bite imbalance varies based on the severity of your condition. There are three common treatments that are used to fix bite issues.

Fix Broken Teeth

If you have broken teeth that is likely the cause of your bite imbalance. Even a missing crown or filling can cause an imbalance. With the use of a crown, replacement filling, or even composite materials, your dentist can even out your bite, correct the imbalance, and prevent future decaying of the teeth in that area.

Teeth Straightening

Sometimes fixing your misaligned bite is as simple as using straightening methods like Invisalign or braces. By correcting the alignment of all of the teeth, your dentist can correct your bite imbalance which will improve the appearance of your smile and protect your mouth and jaw from pain and other issues.

Replace Missing Teeth

If you have teeth missing, your alignment is bound to be affected. Your dentist can used a fixed bridge, implants, or dentures to correct your bite imbalance.

The best way to determine the appropriate treatment for your bite imbalance is to visit a dental professional. If you’re interested in learning about treatment methods for misalignment, contact our office today.

Common Causes of Pain and Discomfort in Your Dentures

Are your dentures painful? While it’s normal to experience minor discomfort in the beginning, your dentures should improve your confidence and overall quality of life not cause you unnecessary pain.

If you’re experiencing pain and discomfort, it’s important to pinpoint the cause so your dentist can help correct the issue. Below are a few common causing of pain and discomfort in your dentures:

New Dentures

If you are new to having dentures you are likely to experience a little pain and discomfort in the first few weeks. Your dentures are a new object in your mouth and your body needs time to adapt.

Unfortunately, new dentures can take a bit of time to settle into your gums. This period should only last two to four weeks, but it can be painful. Your gums need time to adjust to the new dentures and this can cause some soreness.

Keep in mind all of the benefits of having dentures and remember that the initial soreness will pass with time.

There are a few things you can do during this transitional period to ease your discomfort. First, you should clean your dentures daily and plan to see your dentist regularly to look for problems. You should also chew your food carefully in the first few weeks. You will need to give your gums time to adjust and recover after you get dentures put in. If you find that there is food trapped under your dentures, you can also get a denture adhesive to seal out food particles. The build up of food under your dentures can cause unnecessary irritation.

Poorly Fitted Dentures

This problem has a relatively easy fix. It’s pretty common to have dentures that don’t fit properly.

If your dentures aren’t properly fitted they can cause sores in the mouth and infections. These can cause you to experience pain and discomfort as well as leave your mouth vulnerable to further complications. This fix is as easy as visiting your dentist to have them adjusted. Even minor adjustments can make a huge difference in the way that your dentures fit.

Loose Fitting Dentures

If your dentures are loose they will likely cause pain and discomfort when you speak and eat. The gaps that result from the movement of your dentures can also allow food to be trapped under your dentures and cause irritation to your gums. This irritation can lead to pain, mouth sores, and overall discomfort.

It’s important that you visit your dentist and have your fit properly. This will reduce your pain and allow your dentures to work properly.

Anytime you feel pain or discomfort with your dentures it’s important to talk to your dentist. If you have questions about getting dentures, caring for dentures, or complications caused by dentures, call Implantation Dental Center to schedule an appointment today at our Plantation, Florida location.

(954) 476-0770