Dental Implants Before and After 954-476-0770 Full zirconia restorationUpper and lower monolithic restorationsAll on X. Zirconia Restorations. Esthetically pleasant smile.Pleasant smile. Full upper zirconiaAdequate lip support. Adequate lengthHighly esthetic restoration. Hybrid prosthesisBefore and after. All on XAll on six. Zirconia restorationBefore and after. Upper and lower full zirconia restorationsUpper and lower PMMA prototypesUpper and lower screw retained zirconiaLower zirconia prosthesisUpper and lower introaral pictures. Zirconia prosthesisUpper zirconia prosthesisUpper zirconia prosthesis. No palateScrew retained lower hybrid prosthesis. Zirconia. All on fourNatural esthetics. Zirconia prosthesisBefore and after. Pleasant smileBefore and after. All on 4Before and after. Zirconia proshesisPMMA prototype. All on XBefore treatment. Lip deficiencyPMMA prototypeColor selection. 3shape. TriosAll on four. Esthetically pleasant smileHollywood smile. Beautiful restorationZirconia in progress. Pre sinteringEsthetic try in. All on 4PMMA try inEsthetic try in. ZirconiaPerfect smile. Very natural outcomeUpper hybrid zirconia prosthesisLower plane of occlusion in zirconiaUpper and lower frontal viewPMMA prototypeLower PMMA prototypeLower PMMA prototypeUpper PMMA prototypeWorn out dentitionNew lower zirconia teethNew full mouth rehabilitationUpper and lower full mouth rehabilitation in zirconiaUpper and lower all on four. Esthetic result