Benefits of immediate implant placement

Immediate implant placement is a dental procedure that involves placing a dental implant immediately after the removal of a tooth or teeth. There are several benefits to this procedure, including:

  1. Shorter treatment time: With immediate implant placement, the entire treatment process can be completed in one visit. This means that patients can have a new tooth or teeth in a matter of hours rather than having to wait several months.
  2. Preservation of bone: When a tooth is removed, the jawbone in that area begins to resorb or shrink. Immediate implant placement can help preserve the bone by filling the empty socket with the implant, which acts as a substitute for the tooth root.
  3. Improved aesthetics: With immediate implant placement, patients can have a new tooth or teeth that look and feel natural. This can help improve their overall appearance and self-confidence.
  4. Better function: Implants are designed to function like natural teeth, which means that patients can eat and speak normally without worrying about their teeth shifting or falling out.
  5. Reduced risk of complications: Immediate implant placement can reduce the risk of complications associated with traditional implant placement, such as infection or implant failure.
  6. Cost-effective: Immediate implant placement can be a cost-effective option for patients because it reduces the number of office visits and treatment time needed.

If the tooth is infected can I still have an implant placement?

If a tooth is infected, it may still be possible to have an implant placement, but it will depend on the severity of the infection and the health of the surrounding tissues.

In some cases, the infection can be treated with antibiotics and the implant placement can proceed once the infection has been cleared. However, if the infection has caused significant damage to the bone or soft tissues, it may be necessary to address the infection and allow time for the tissues to heal before proceeding with the implant placement.

In order to have an immediate implant placement, there should be enough bone after the infection is removed to achieve primary stability to allow proper healing.


Do I need a bone graft?

Whether or not you need a bone graft will depend on several factors, including the condition of your jawbone, the anatomy of the site, the location of the missing tooth, and amount of remaining bone after the infection is removed. 


A bone graft involves taking bone from another part of your body, such as your chin or ascending ramus (where third molars used to be), or using synthetic materials, and placing it in the area where the implant will be placed. The graft will then be left to heal and integrate with your natural bone, providing a stable union and foundation for the implant.

It is important to discuss your specific needs and options with your dental professional. Implantation Dental Center can provide you with detailed information on the procedure, the risks and benefits, and the expected outcome to help you make an informed decision about your dental treatment.

Call our office and schedule an appointment. Dr. Hervas and his expert team will be glad to assist with you dental needs 

(954) 476-0770