sinus lift procedure plantation Florida

What is a sinus lift procedure?

A sinus lift procedure, also known as a sinus augmentation, is a surgical technique that is commonly used in implant dentistry to increase the amount of bone in the upper jaw. This procedure is usually done when there is not enough bone in the upper jaw, particularly in the area of the molars and premolars, to support the placement of dental implants.

During a sinus lift procedure, the sinus membrane is lifted, and bone graft material is inserted into the space between the jaw and the sinus cavity. This creates more bone height and volume, which allows for the successful placement of dental implants.

The procedure is typically performed by an implant specialist and can be done using local anesthesia or sedation. The recovery period varies depending on the individual and the extent of the procedure, but patients may experience some discomfort and swelling for several days after the surgery.

Sinus lift procedures are generally considered safe and effective, with a high success rate for implant placement. However, as with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications that should be discussed with the treating dentist or oral surgeon.


What are the post operative indications after a sinus lift procedure?

After a sinus lift procedure, patients may experience some discomfort and swelling in the surgical site. The following are some common post-operative indications and instructions that may be given by the treating dentist or oral surgeon:

  1. Pain and swelling: Patients may experience pain and swelling in the area of the surgery for several days after the procedure. Pain medication and cold compresses may be prescribed to manage these symptoms.
  2. Bleeding: It is normal to experience some bleeding after the procedure. Patients should avoid spitting or rinsing their mouth vigorously for the first 24 hours to prevent bleeding.
  3. Rest and limited activity: Patients should rest for the first few days after the procedure and avoid strenuous physical activity. They should also avoid bending over or lifting heavy objects.
  4. Diet: Patients should stick to a soft or liquid diet for the first few days after the procedure. They should avoid hard, crunchy, or chewy foods that may irritate the surgical site.
  5. Oral hygiene: Patients should maintain good oral hygiene but should avoid brushing or flossing the surgical area for the first week after the procedure.
  6. Follow-up appointments: Patients should follow the post-operative instructions provided by Dr. Hervas and attend any follow-up appointments as scheduled to monitor the healing process and ensure successful implant placement.

It is important for patients to contact their dentist or oral surgeon if they experience any unusual or concerning symptoms after the procedure.


What if I feel or have some blood coming from my nose?

It is not uncommon to experience some bleeding from the nose after a sinus lift procedure. This is because the sinus membrane is lifted during the procedure, which can cause some bleeding in the sinus cavity.

If you feel some blood coming from your nose after the procedure, you should stay calm and follow these steps:

  1. Sit down and lean forward slightly to allow the blood to drain out of your nose. Do not tilt your head back, as this can cause the blood to flow down your throat and may cause nausea or vomiting.
  2. Pinch your nostrils together and apply gentle pressure for about 10-15 minutes to help stop the bleeding. You can also place a cold compress or ice pack on your nose to help constrict the blood vessels and reduce bleeding.
  3. If the bleeding does not stop after 15 minutes, or if you experience excessive bleeding or difficulty breathing, seek medical attention immediately. You can call your dentist for guidance on what to do next, or go to the nearest emergency room.

It is important to follow the post-operative instructions provided by your treating dentist or oral surgeon and to report any unusual or concerning symptoms promptly to ensure proper care and successful healing after the procedure.


What happened if the membrane is perforated?

During a sinus lift procedure, there is a risk of perforating the sinus membrane, which separates the sinus cavity from the oral cavity. If the membrane is perforated, the patient may experience some complications, including:

  1. Bleeding: Perforation of the sinus membrane can cause bleeding in the sinus cavity, which can lead to nasal discharge or post-nasal drip.
  2. Infection: The perforation may allow bacteria from the mouth to enter the sinus cavity, which can lead to infection.
  3. Delayed healing: If the perforation is not properly repaired, it can delay the healing process and increase the risk of implant failure.
  4. Graft material displacement: The perforation may cause the bone graft material to shift into the sinus cavity, which can prevent successful implant placement.

If the sinus membrane is perforated during a sinus lift procedure, the treating dentist will typically attempt to repair the perforation immediately. In some cases, the perforation may be small enough to heal on its own without further treatment. However, larger perforations may require surgical repair or the use of a barrier membrane to prevent graft material from entering the sinus cavity.

It is important to follow the post-operative instructions provided by the treating dentist or oral surgeon and report any unusual or concerning symptoms, such as pain, swelling, or discharge, promptly to ensure proper care and successful healing after the procedure.


Can I blow my nose after sinus lift procedures?

After a sinus lift procedure, it is generally recommended that patients avoid blowing their nose for at least one week to allow for proper healing of the surgical site. Blowing your nose too soon after the procedure can cause pressure changes in the sinus cavity, which can lead to bleeding, graft displacement, or even a perforation of the sinus membrane.

If you need to clear your nose, it is recommended to gently sniff and allow the mucus to drain naturally. You can also use a saline nasal spray to help moisten and clear the nasal passages. Afrin and/or Sudafed OTC might help when you feel stuffy or congested nose.

It is important to follow the post-operative instructions provided by your treating dentist and to avoid any activities that may put pressure on the surgical site, such as heavy lifting, strenuous exercise, or bending over. If you have any questions or concerns about post-operative care, you should contact Dr. Hervas for further instruction.

Implantation Dental Center is a specialty practice in Plantation, Florida. Dr. Hervas is a double-board certified prosthodontist, and sees patients from all over the world. We invite you to contact us to schedule a consultation and discuss your individual needs.

(954) 476-0770