Plantation, Florida Dental Implant Specialist Dr. Mauricio Hervas

Want to keep your dentist AND your gums happy? Keep flossing!

I have heard my dentist so many times telling me: it is not only about brushing your teeth for several minutes you also need to floss! It must be part of your daily oral hygiene. Dentists and dental hygienists recommend cleaning between your teeth once a day with an interdental cleaner – they are essential for taking care of your gums too.

It is difficult to reach the plaque and food remains that are hidden between the gum line or the teeth only with brushing. The only effective way to do this is to use the floss or an interproximal toothbrush. Floss removes plaque and food scraps from between teeth and gums, but it also helps to control bad breath. It will help you have healthier teeth and gums, since the plaque is the main cause of the dental cavities and the periodontal disease

Plaque that is not removed with rigorous daily brushing could later be converted into tartar. The dental floss needs to be inserted between the teeth, carefully, and is made to traverse the edge of the teeth, especially the area near the gum.

Food trapped between the teeth or plaque buildup causes the gums to swell, causing them to bleed and causing discomfort. Floss helps to reduce that pressure in the gums, and keeps them from bleeding.

Dental Floss come in different flavors and textures, there is no no excuse not to use it. Make it a habit to help keep your oral health 100%.

Contact us for more information to 954.476.0770 or visit our website

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