Plantation, Florida Dental Implant Specialist Dr. Mauricio Hervas

Keep your mouth, teeth and gums healthy!

Have you noticed that when you smile your gumline looks uneven or receded? Or maybe you are able to see your roots? It could be the beginning of a periodontal disease. A gumline that has receded can expose the root of the teeth. When it starts to appear it can lead to tooth sensitivity and also it can be cavities in the root.

This can cause insecurity in the majority of affected patients. So, how do you prevent it?

First, you must make sure you’re brushing properly. It’s important not to do it abruptly or horizontally but in a circular form and with a soft brush (bass technique). If it is more severe you will definitely have to visit your periodontist right away for a periodontal evaluation.

It is recommended for adults to receive a periodontal evaluation in every 12 months, that way your periodontal specialist can gain comprehensive control of your oral health, including teeth, plaque, gums, bone structure, and other risk factors.

During this annual perio evaluation, your professional specialist will review each of the areas mentioned above to determine the state of your periodontal health. The treatment to be followed and also to prevent progress.

To be more specific, your teeth are supposed to have two main parts: the top part that’s exposed and the bottom part that’s supposed to be protected by the gum. Unfortunately, when that bottom part becomes exposed, it doesn’t usually end well. The most common cause of this is gum disease.

When a disease or infection present, it can cause the gums around the teeth to shrink and recede, exposing part of the root. This exposes part of the root to further infection as it’s not supposed to be exposed to bacteria and food particles. These further infections can cause additional shrinking of the gums, which eventually causes the tooth to fall out.

To prevent future problems, regular brushing, flossing, and routine dental examinations will keep your gums and teeth healthy.
We invite you to contact our periodontal expert at Implantation Dental Center 954.476.0770. And visit our website for more information:

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