I feel the screw in my dental implant, what should I do? Why is this happening?

After any dental procedure, you’re bound to have a lot of questions. Dr. Hervas will always do his best to keep you informed about your upcoming dental implant, but sometimes new questions arise between appointments. When something doesn’t look or feel “right”, it’s important that you contact your dental professional’s office and schedule an appointment.

Dental implants are a great way to hide missing teeth and perfect your smile. That being said, sometimes there are things that are out of the ordinary that occur. They make look or feel different than they did after your procedure or maybe they don’t match what you believed they would look like. Either way, there are occasional problems that arise with implants. One of them being problems with the screw.

What happens if you feel the screw in your dental implant?

If you feel the screw in your dental implant the best thing you can do is schedule an appointment with your prosthodontist. They will likely have a dental CT scan done so they can see exactly what is happening. This image will show them where the implant is and give them an indication if there are any issues.

Sometimes dental implants fail, so if you feel a screw in your new implant, it’s natural to be concerned. New 3D guided technology can help your dental professional place the implant with more accuracy. This is especially helpful in cases where patients have fragile bones or have had implants fail in the past.

Our office specializes in dental implants and other procedures. Our highly trained board-certified professionals are available to help you. They use the latest and safest technology to take care of any of your medical or cosmetic dental issues. Schedule an appointment today to learn more about dental implants and get feedback on your particular issue.

2 thoughts on “I feel the screw in my dental implant, what should I do? Why is this happening?”

  1. About 20 years ago I had implants in the very back and it went well. Even had extra bone inserted to give me a good base. Thru the years I have noticed that the screws are showing. I clean my teeth very well and use dental floss every brush and a flossing machine. Is there anything that could be done to remedy the receding gum so the screws do not show?

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