Comparing Dental Implants and Dentures, plus the pros and cons

If you have lost a tooth and are in Plantation, Florida, Implantation Dental Center, our expert team of dental professionals is here to help. If left untreated, a missing tooth can cause the surrounding teeth to shift and/or the bone under the gums to become weak and loosen other teeth. Here are the differences between dental implants and dentures, so you have an idea of what to expect at your appointment with Dr. Hervas and his staff.


Dental Implants: The Honest Pros and Cons

It can take several months to get a fully functioning dental implant. This is because after the first step, getting a titanium screw drilled into the jaw and bone socket, it takes as little as 2 months or as long as 9 months (when sinus is involved) for the insert to fuse with the bone. After that waiting period and the prosthetic tooth is fixed onto the screws, the patient has a fully functional and long-lasting tooth.



  • Patients get the ability to chew and speak clearly
  • The implants stay immobile and stable
  • They are completely bio-acceptable



  • Takes longer to fit than partial dentures
  • Are more expensive
  • Not suitable for people who grind their teeth at night

Related blog: Are dental implants right for you?


Dentures: Pros and Cons

After Dr. Hervas has determined that dentures would be more suitable for a patient, the teeth are extracted, and they are fitted for dentures immediately. This is done by getting an impression mold of the teeth and jaw and the mold is sent out to be made. In our office, we proudly offer digital dentures – which offer greater precision and comfort for our patients (read more here).


Then, the patient and Dr. Hervas go over possible colors, sizes, and tooth shapes for the dentures. Once they are ready, the patient gets fitted for them and any possible adjustments are made based on the patient’s comfort level.



  • The fitting process is quick and easy
  • Cheaper than implants
  • Usually best for people with weak gums or jaws
  • Provide more facial muscle support to look more natural



  • Can be moved easily without denture adhesive, especially while talking or chewing
  • Requires more regular maintenance and cleaning than implants
  • Some people have discomfort and difficulty speaking and eating


Feel free to contact us to schedule an appointment to decide what is better for you: dental dentures or implants. There are over 6 different kinds to choose from including a single implant crown, an implant bridge crown, denture implants, and permanent implant dentures.

(954) 476-0770